Ready to love your body and eat guilt-free (without having to “work it off” in the gym)?

If you're a former athlete, you’re no stranger to discipline, commitment, and the drive to succeed. You've conquered fitness goals and pushed your body to excel. But when you’re no longer competing, that intensely competitive voice doesn't always turn off.

For countless athletes, post-sports life often means harsh self-criticism, chasing unattainable body standards, and trying to cling to past shapes and sizes. Diets, restrictive eating, and punishing gym routines become the new performance game you feel compelled to win at all costs.

But what is the cost? Your sanity? Your happiness? Your health?

It's time for that to end. You deserve to enjoy life with the same balanced approach that made you love playing sports in the first place.

Nourished & Whole helped Willow stop bingeing…

“This is the first Easter I can remember where I did not buy and consume via absolute binge CHAOS multiple bags of Skittles jelly beans. Usually as soon as the idea of Easter enters my awareness I am a fiend for those… this year I didn’t even think about them. I enjoy them, but I haven’t actively wanted them, and the concept that they will not be available again until next year wasn’t even enough of a motivator to make me buy and binge even though I have been going the f*ck through it for the last few weeks, which is the circumstances under which I would normally binge.”

— Willow

Welcome to Nourished & Whole, a 20-week group Intuitive Eating journey to self-discovery, empowerment, and true health. It's time to break free from the chains of restrictive eating and embrace a lifestyle that nourishes both your body and your soul.

Here’s the deal: we are ALL born intuitive eaters! Then, as we grow, we experience things like

  • being forced to finish the food on our plate

  • only being able to eat at “meal times” instead of when we actually feel hungry

  • seeing our caretakers diet and pick apart their bodies

  • caretakers picking apart OUR bodies

  • influencers on social media talking about “bad,” “toxic,” “poisonous” foods

  • trauma that now lives rent-free in our bodies

  • limited education about health and nutrition

So, how do we combat all of that?

By learning to reconnect with and trust our body’s innate knowledge and intuition. This is exactly what I will teach you to do inside Nourished & Whole.

Start enjoying food without guilt!

Click below to make your $1333 payment or get started today for just $83 when you select Klarna or Affirm at checkout.



I'm a first degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do, multi-sport athlete, multi-instrument musician, and former college softball player.

I’m also a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, yoga instructor, and Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach on a mission to dismantle the diet industry and help people take their lives back after years of trying to lose weight.

I know exactly what it's like to chase ever-changing goal weights and jeans sizes at the expense of my mental and physical health. I did it for years before I finally said ENOUGH.

Over the past four years, I’ve helped hundreds of people get off the dieting hamster wheel so that they can fulfill their soul’s purpose and live the nourished, whole, meaningful life they deserve.

Featured in…

Thrive Global


Fox News


Eat This Not That

Thrive Global • VoyageDallas • Fox News • CanvasRebel • Eat This Not That •

Imagine a few months from now…

✧ You feel confident AF in your body.

✧ You trust yourself to eat the foods that are best for you.

✧ You wake up feeling energized and at peace.

✧ You no longer spend your precious time obsessing about what to eat or what your body looks like.

✧ Eating is fun and enjoyable again.

✧ You have a new community of incredible people who believe in you and in this work.

Shannon is honoring her fullness and no longer eating emotionally…

“It’s been a tough week but I have listened to my fullness cues consistently and fed myself an appropriate amount of food instead of just small snacks here and there as a crutch after emotional situations, which is what I am prone to doing.”

I created Nourished & Whole for former athletes who struggle with their inner critic, keeping them trapped on the diet and exercise hamster wheel in pursuit of an unachievable body standard.

Through this Intuitive Eating program, you'll discover how to:

  • enjoy exercise for health versus weight manipulation or body shame

  • satisfy your appetite and nutritional needs while busting through fears around fullness or certain foods

  • quiet your inner critic and practice radical self-acceptance so you can love your here-and-now body

  • separate your self-worth from the shape, size, and abilities of your physical body

  • embrace rest days knowing that they are just as important to your overall well-being as movement is

This program helped Amber have a massive mindset shift:

5 Stars! I'm glad I had a group to discuss this [the Intuitive Eating] book with. Lara did an amazing job listening and understanding my perspective and then challenging me with new perspectives. She is very knowledgeable and if she doesn't know something, she will research to find sources to guide you to.

Get started today for just $83 when you select Klarna or Affirm at checkout.

What can you expect?


Eleven group coaching calls - one kickoff call, and ten coaching calls to debrief and coach on each of the 10 Intuitive Eating principles.


A private group for community-building, coaching, and support between our group calls, AND access to my membership community and all of its resources.


Copies of the Intuitive Eating book and workbook (yep - I send those to you so that you don't have to purchase them)!

The Nourished & Whole Framework

Pillar 1: Breaking Free from Diet Culture

For too long, we have been bombarded with unrealistic standards of beauty and pressured to conform to strict dieting regimens. But here's the truth: diets don't work. They only perpetuate a cycle of guilt and shame around food, leading to disordered eating habits and a strained relationship with our bodies. It's time to break free from diet culture and embrace a more intuitive approach to eating — one that honors our hunger & fullness cues and allows us to enjoy food without guilt or restriction.

In this step, we will embrace Intuitive Eating Principles 1 and 3 - Reject the Diet Mentality and Make Peace with Food.

Pillar 2: Nourishing Your Body from the Inside Out

True health is about more than just what we eat — it's about how we nourish our bodies on a deep, holistic level. That means prioritizing self-care, getting enough sleep, managing stress, cultivating relationships, and engaging in activities that bring us joy. By taking a comprehensive approach to our health, we can achieve balance, vitality, and health without having to resort to extreme measures or deprivation.

During this step, we will utilize Intuitive Eating Principles 2, 5, and 10 - Honor Your Hunger, Feel Your Fullness, and Honor Your Health with Gentle Nutrition - and the information that I learned in my own certification programs to become a Nutrition Coach, Master Health Coach, Sports Nutritionist, and Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach.

Pillar 3: Rediscovering Joy in Movement

Exercise shouldn't feel like a punishment — it should be a celebration of what our bodies are capable of. As former athletes, we have a unique opportunity to rediscover the joy in movement and find activities that resonate with us on a deeper level. Whether it's dancing, hiking, yoga, or simply taking a leisurely stroll, moving our bodies should be a source of pleasure, not pain.

This is the step where we will visit Intuitive Eating Principle 9 - Exercise, Feel the Difference. Additionally, you will have my invaluable input as a Certified Personal Trainer and 200-Hour Registered Yoga Teacher with over a decade of experience and expertise in this area.

Pillar 4: Cultivating Self-Love and Body Acceptance

Perhaps the most important step on this journey is learning to love and accept ourselves exactly as we are. That means embracing our imperfections, celebrating our strengths, and recognizing that our worth is not determined by the size of our jeans or the number on the scale. By practicing self-compassion and body acceptance, we can finally break free from the toxic cycle of self-criticism and embrace our bodies for all that they do for us, rather than for how they look.

As we learn to cultivate self love and body acceptance, we will implement Intuitive Eating Principle 8 - Respect Your Body, as well as my exclusive workshop, Fall in Love with Your Body!

Improve your body image, trust your intuition, and feel confident making the best choices for your body and your life.

Ready to be my next success story? Click below! Payment plans are available when you select Klarna or Affirm at checkout.


  • Intuitive Eating is a revolutionary anti-diet eating framework developed by two Registered Dietitians, Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch. The premise of the framework is to bring together psychological and physical health in a way that honors both our body AND our brain. IE utilizes all three parts of the human brain, which control our instinct, emotion, and thought.

  • Nourished & Whole is open to all humans regardless of gender, age, background, etc. Intuitive Eating is a way of LIVING FREELY that everyone deserves.

  • I cap enrollment at ~12 people per round. This allows me to give individual support on our calls and inside our private community.

  • Nope! Intuitive Eating includes mindful eating, but mindful eating is simply the act of being present during your eating experience. Intuitive Eating is a full mind/body/soul approach to health and wellness.

  • It depends! Intuitive Eating is a tool that is frequently used in ED recovery, so chances are, it would be great for you! That said, it really depends on how safe you will feel in a group program and how far into your recovery you are. If you aren’t sure, send me a DM on Instagram (@lara.days) and we can decide together!

  • This is totally fine! I will still send you the book and workbook so that you can follow along & reference things during our group coaching calls, but I have a video workshop all about Intuitive Eating as well a “Cliffs Notes” version, so to speak. So, if you’re not a reader, we can totally work around that!

  • Yes! While many of my clients played high school and/or college sports, not all of them did. We would still love to have you in the program.☺️

  • Absolutely! Accessibility is incredibly important to me, so I have teamed up with Klarna and Affirm to provide a variety of payment options. You’ll be able to choose your payment method & payment plan at checkout.

  • I’m not gonna BS you - this journey is different for everyone! Your relationship with food and your body did not become tumultuous overnight; this means that it won’t heal overnight, either. Some clients do a 180 within the first couple of weeks, and others take years to really feel a big shift. What I can tell you is that 100% of my clients notice a difference almost immediately, and that no one has ever told me they regret doing this work. That said, if you’re looking for a quick fix, this is NOT the program for you.

  • You can expect to spend about 2-3 hours of dedicated work each week. This is spread out among your reading, our group calls, and interaction in the group between calls.

  • This is a live program, so all of our group calls will happen on Zoom! However, I will send you the Intuitive Eating book & workbook and give you access to our private community immediately upon receiving your payment, so there is an opportunity to start getting familiar with the app and group members right away!

  • As a former teacher, it is important to me that I provide a variety of ways to learn in order to support different learning styles. So, you will receive live support from me on our group coaching calls, direct 1-on-1 text support via our private community, as well as reading and workshops to utilize whenever it is most convenient for you.

This program is totally for you if:

✨You want to become the most empowered, vibrant, and confident version of yourself (cue Ciara’s “Level Up”)

✨You are willing to work hard to shift habits and change your lifestyle in ways that will set you up for lifelong success

✨You are ready and willing to play full out and be open-minded, honest, and authentic

✨You believe in your ability to transform your life

✨You are ready to put YOURSELF first and foremost 

✨You are ready to take action and invest in yourself financially and emotionally

✨You are ready to lift and be lifted by a community of like-hearted humans

I cannot help you if:

❌Your only goal is to lose weight and/or change how your body looks

❌You want a quick, easy fix and are not willing to put in the work

❌You don’t believe in your ability to change and transform

❌You don’t see the potential inside of you

❌You are unwilling to financially and emotionally invest in yourself

❌You don’t believe in the power of community

❌You are racist, transphobic, or otherwise prejudiced against marginalized groups

My ‘Perfect Fit’ Guarantee

I only work with folks whose health and healing is their priority. This means that I do NOT offer refunds; however, safety is incredibly important to me, so I DO want to be sure that Nourished & Whole is the right fit for where you currently are on your journey. If, after our first group call, you decide that 1-on-1 coaching or a different program may be a better fit for where you are right now, let me know before our second group session and we will book a free call to discuss which option would be your perfect fit.

What are people saying?

  • Lara is a wonderful coach and facilitator for the Intuitive Eating program. I learned from her through the bi-weekly calls and direct app messages. She has invested in continued education for herself and was able to share with the group. Intuitive Eating isn’t just about food and eating and Lara’s approach to coaching and holistic health are a great asset.


  • Lara leads her program with compassion, knowledge, deep connection, & community in mind. I would recommend this program to anyone I know who was at the same place as I was with food. She makes you feel comfortable discussing very vulnerable topics that you previously had a lot of shame around. I left this program feeling like I could conquer anything!!


  • Lara guides a relatable group through a natural human concept that needs to be reintroduced & reminded to humanity called Intuitive Eating. Through this 20-week program you will unlearn a lifetime of harmful conditioned diet culture & meet your body in a whole new way through many mindblowing discussions with Lara and dive into the Principles of IE.


Are you ready to finally love your body and eat without guilt?

I know you’re sick of dieting.

I know you want to feel at home in your body.

I know you’re ready to live a beautiful life full of joy, vitality, and confidence.

With my help, you can do all of this and more.

 Let’s get free, friend!!